How to Scrape Reviews using Python?
How to Scrape Reviews using Python? We search for lots of things on the internet every day in order to buy something, to compare one product to another, how do we decide that one particular product is better than the other? – We directly hit onto the reviews and see how much stars/ positive feedback has been given to the product, right!! In this blog, we’re going to scrape reviews from . Not only just review but also how many stars it got, who posted the review, etc. We will be saving data in an excel spreadsheet (CSV). Here are detailed data-fields that we are going to extract: 1. Review Title 2. Rating 3. Reviewer Name 4. Review Description/Review of Content 5. Helpful Count So let’s get started. We prefer Scrapy – a python framework for a large-scale web scraping. Along with that, some other packages will be required in order to scrape Amazon reviews. Requests – to send the request of a URL pandas – to export CSV by MySQL – to conne...